Javascript Menu by Jim's Eclectic World: Genocide, ahem, Columbus Day teach-in, October 12, 7PM, Flemming Center

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Location: Bozeman, MT, United States

Hi, my name is Jim Macdonald, and I have an odd assortment of interests. In no particular order, I love Yellowstone, I am an anti-authoritarian activist and organizer, and I have a background in philosophy, having taught at the college level. My blog has a lot more links to my writing and my other Web sites. In Jim's Eclectic World, I try to give a holistic view of my many interests. Often, all three passions show themselves interweaving in the very same blog. Anyhow, I think it's a little different. But, that's me. I'm not so much out there, but taken together, I'm a little unusual.

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    Monday, October 03, 2005

    Genocide, ahem, Columbus Day teach-in, October 12, 7PM, Flemming Center

    Read the presentation now in pdf

    Genocide Against the

    American Indian,

    Destruction of the Buffalo,


    Imperialism in Iraq

    Presentation by Jim Macdonald

    Flemming Center

    (1426 9th Street NW, Washington, DC)

    7-9 PM

    Wednesday, October 12, 2005

    In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. What’s not taught is that Columbus ushered in a history of genocide that has destroyed well over 90% of indigenous people in North and South America. Seen through the prism of the extermination of the buffalo (American bison), Jim will draw connections between the genocide of native peoples in America with the ongoing struggle in Iraq. What is happening in Iraq is not something new, though many in the mainstream present Iraq as something uniquely evil that would never have happened under any person other than George W. Bush. This presentation aims to correct that gross misunderstanding of American history and the American present. Understanding the past and understanding how the past is still present will help us identify more clearly what is going on in Iraq, and more importantly, why it is going on. Please come for this presentation. A question and answer period will follow.

    Jim Macdonald is an activist and organizer with the DC Anti-War Network. He has an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Toledo, and a B.A. in philosophy and history from Ohio Northern University. He is ABD (all but dissertation) in philosophy at Catholic University of America. Jim has written about and worked at Yellowstone National Park, having studied the Park’s history and the history of buffalo in the region.

    Endorsed by the DC Anti-War Network.

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