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Magic of Yellowstone
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Jim's Eclectic World

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Location: Bozeman, MT, United States

Hi, my name is Jim Macdonald, and I have an odd assortment of interests. In no particular order, I love Yellowstone, I am an anti-authoritarian activist and organizer, and I have a background in philosophy, having taught at the college level. My blog has a lot more links to my writing and my other Web sites. In Jim's Eclectic World, I try to give a holistic view of my many interests. Often, all three passions show themselves interweaving in the very same blog. Anyhow, I think it's a little different. But, that's me. I'm not so much out there, but taken together, I'm a little unusual.

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    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    The Magic of Yellowstone back up

    For those of you wondering about disruption of service to this blog, Jim's Eclectic World, the Yellowstone Newspaper, and almost all of The Magic of Yellowstone Web site (at least that hosted on domain - the pages were up the entire time) were down for the last 24 hours.

    The reason - all the bandwidth that I was allowed from my Web host for the month of August had been used up. That's actually good news in a strange way. That means there is more content being accessed by more people this month than in any other month of the history of the site. The newspaper is the biggest mover, news about fires in Yellowstone bringing in more and more new readers. I don't look at statistics for large portions of the site. The blog actually has been lower than other months, I think in part because of the way that Google has been indexing blogs. Some pages are very hard to find or don't show up at all on Google (that once did). Even so, visitorship to the site is growing, forcing me for the first time in many years to spend money on the site (less than $25) for something besides domain name registration.

    I apologize for those of you who had to search for news on Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and the ecosystem at large the old fashioned way. However, the problem has been corrected, and we should be good to go for awhile.


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